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Unani Medicine & Cupping Therapy (Hijama)

Unani medicine is the system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece in the fourth century B.C. and continued to be practiced in the countries of the Middle East and South Asia. It is referred to as "Greek Arab medicine" or " Unani Tibb ". This is a comprehensive medical system, providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative healthcare. Almost 90% of its medicines are herbal, and the rest are from animals or from minerals. At Milife, we arranged all facilities of Unani medicine

Cupping (Hijama) is used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world, including the Middle East and China. It involves sucking blood with a cup of glass, ceramic, bamboo, or plastic. A negative pressure is created in the cup either by placing a flame on the cup to remove the oxygen before putting it on the skin or by connecting the suction device to the cup after applying it to the skin. The skin is punctured in a "wet cupping", and blood flows into the cup. The "dry cupping" does not involve puncturing the skin.