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Physiotherapy is a treatment of injuries, pains, muscle fractures and illness of the body without the use of medicines or drugs. Using a combination of proven techniques and evidence-based natural methods like exercises and a range of massages, a physiotherapist aids in diagnosing the disorder and suggest a treatment plan best suited to improve the patient’s physical well-being and restore them back to normalcy. The terms "physiotherapy" and "physical therapy" mean the same thing and are used interchangeably.

Famous Greek physician Hippocrates had used to practice physical therapy in the form of massage, hydrotherapy and manual therapy in 460 BC. Modern physical therapy comes into existence in 19 century. Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that helps people suffering from injury, pain, or disability to regain movement and function with exercise, manual therapy, electrical therapy, shock wave method, joint mobilization, health education, and guidelines.

It treats conditions such as chronic pain and acute pain, soft tissue injuries, cartilage damage, arthritis, walking disorders and physical impairments. It promotes the health of people in all ages, and helps patients to relieve pain and prevent diseases.

Benefits of physiotherapy

The benefits of physiotherapy are very vast .It eliminates or reduces pain, and restores muscle. It can provide relief to people of all ages suffering from a variety of ailments, injuries or disorders. It solves the problem from its roots and hence prevents the pain from returning. By healing the injuries, it prevents the use of surgery. With the help of high-quality physiotherapy, you can restore your pre-pain physical condition and fitness levels and lead a much active and healthy life. It helps you to be independent and do his/her task normally. It manages heart and lungs problem and even promotes good health in women. Reducing the chronic illness, reducing the age related issues, stroke rehabilitation, managing diabetes, avoid dependency on medicines are also its best known benefits.