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In this treatment, specially prepared warm medicinal oil is kept on the lower back with the help of herbal paste boundaries. This treatment lasts from 45 minutes to one hour and is very useful in any kind of back pain and spine disorders. Kativasthi consists of two words "Kati" and Vasthi. Kati 'means lower back and Vasthi means container.

This treatment is common to almost all types of spine and back pain problems. This is a simple treatment that has profound effects. It treats nerve compression and provides relief from degenerative diseases related to the back area. The duration of this treatment is two or three weeks.

In this treatment, the leaves of medicinal plants are heated or fried with herbal oils and then put in a pouch. Then these pouches are used to precisely massage the body in order to stimulate muscles, and nerves and to improve blood circulation in the affected area.Improving blood circulation, increasing muscle strength and improving skin complexion are benefits of this treatment.This treatment is not recommended for patients suffering from skin allergies, hypertension, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and fever,and for diabetics, pregnant women and those with sensitive skin.