Phone: +(91) 9526 360 000

You need to send your medical report or to inform the details of illness. After that, if the doctor advises you to come to the hospital you should do so, on his advice

The millife has an office for tourism services. This office helps you to obtain visa, to book airline ticket and it helps you in all other tourism needs

It varies depending on the state of the disease and the patient's immunity. Some patients may stay in the hospital for three weeks, others for a month and some of them stay for more than a month.

Expenses of visa and tickets will have to be paid in advance. Other expenses should be paid before leaving the hospital.

Kerala has generally a mild climate. Rain is expected six months. Hospital arrival should be based on prior reservation

The US Dollar, Saudi Riyal, Indian Rupees and all currencies that can be converted to Indian Rupees from Kerala are acceptable in the hospital